Family Child Care Providers
Transporting Children
Produced by the Community Care Licensing Division of the California Department of Social Services
Here we go. Awesome, are we ready? We’re going to go get Erin at school. Can you get in your car seat?
[A childcare provider helps two children get in their carseats.]
Okay, and Andrew, can you get in that car seat? Thanks. Sit down, please.
Series Host, Off-screen:
When you transport children enrolled in your facility by car or other vehicle, you must follow licensing regulations and state laws to ensure the safety of your passengers. [Host onscreen.] In this video, we’ll review the regulations and recommendations that aim to ensure that every ride in a vehicle is as safe as it can be.
Thank you.
[Two licensing representatives speak.]
Community Care Licensing Representative 1:
There are three areas that require special attention when it comes to transporting children: the driver, the vehicle, and the child passenger restraint systems, or car seats. The regulations covering transportation apply to both family childcare homes and childcare centers.
Community Care Licensing Representative 2:
In addition to these regulations, there are some practices that help keep children safe while loading the vehicle, during transport, and upon arrival at your destination.
[The host speaks, and the questions she asks are displayed on a white board.]
What licensing regulations apply to adults who transport children?
[The host speaks as the corresponding content is displayed onscreen.]
Anyone transporting children in your care must have a current driver’s license and be covered by the vehicle’s insurance. Some vehicles require a specific type of license. The vehicle driver must have the appropriate license for the type of vehicle being used. According to state law, all adults, whether driver or passenger, must refrain from smoking when children are in the vehicle. And, even if someone is transporting one or more children off-site, the appropriate adult-child ratios must be maintained at the facility.
What regulations apply to vehicles used to transport children?
Any vehicle used to transport children must be in safe operating condition. The vehicle must be registered with the Department of Motor Vehicles, and carry appropriate insurance. And the vehicle must be equipped with appropriate child passenger restraint systems.
What do I need to know about child-passenger restraint systems?
Okay, let’s get you buckled. [The provider buckles children into their car seats.] Oh, Gordon’s singing lots of silly song.
I’m going to drive.
California law states that all children up to age 8, or who are less than 4 feet, 9 inches in height, must be secured in the proper passenger child restraint system. All child car seats must meet current regulations related to design, placement, and installation, and must be appropriate to the age and size of each child. If you are unsure of the types of car seats that can be used, or how to properly install them, contact your local health department for more information. Finally, information on child passenger restraint systems must be clearly posted at your facility.
[Postings briefly appear.]
What other considerations deserve special attention when transporting children?
Children must never be left alone in a car, even if they’ve fallen asleep in a car seat. And, during any trip, children should be accounted for each step of the way: before a vehicle is loaded, after it is loaded, and after it is emptied. Whether the purpose of a trip is educational, recreational, or to transport children to or from school and childcare, it’s critical that you follow all licensing regulations and state laws covering drivers, vehicles, and transportation equipment.
Key Points:
Key points to remember are anyone transporting children must have a current driver’s license appropriate for the type of vehicle being used, and be covered by the vehicle’s insurance. Vehicles used to transport children must be in safe operating condition, carry current registration, and the appropriate insurance. Lastly, all children up to age 8, or who are less than 4 feet, 9 inches in height, must be secured in the proper child passenger restraint system.
Copyright 2016
State of California