Guide for Trainers
Welcome to the trainer guide for the California Child Care Licensing: Resources for Parents and Providers website. As a trainer, the following information will help you plan and implement training that addresses child care licensing requirements in California. This guide is offered as a supplement to the website by the Community Care Licensing Division of the California Department of Social Services (CDSS).
Who can benefit from this website?
The California Child Care Licensing: Resources for Parents and Providers website targets three user groups: 1) child care center operators, 2) family child care providers, and 3) parents and families. Within each category, you will find topics tailored to the needs of that specific group. Each topic on the website contains videos and resources designed to benefit prospective and current child care providers, families who are seeking child care for the first time, and families with children in care.
As a trainer, how can I present the resources on the website?
When using these resources for training purposes, begin by introducing participants to the website. Explain its overall purpose, how one can navigate between the three user groups, and show participants how to view the set of topics per user group.
Show participants that each webpage is devoted to a specific topic and contains the following:
- Introduction to the topic
- Key related questions
- An informative video
Demonstrate how each webpage can be printed out and used individually or as a set.
A good video to start with is, “An Overview of Community Care Licensing,” introducing participants to the role of the Community Care Licensing Division in protecting the health and safety of children in child care.
As a trainer, how can I present videos on specific topics?
Explain that each video begins with an introduction of key content by the series host and community care licensing representatives from CDSS. Tell participants that each video continues with a series of questions answered by the host, and concludes with a summary of the key content presented. Note that every video includes optional closed captioning, a version of the video providing additional audio description, as well as a transcript that can be viewed onscreen, downloaded, and/or printed. For your own reference, you may want to print out the topic page for each video you plan to present, as it lists the questions that will be addressed.
If your goal is to train participants on one particular topic, show participants the corresponding page. Show the video, and then ask participants what stood out for them as they watched it. What did they learn? Was there any information that surprised them? You may find it helpful to play it again and address any questions raised by the group. You may also find it helpful to show them the questions presented on the webpage, and ask them to summarize the answers.
As a reference tool, encourage participants to bring a copy of the following to the session:
- Title 22, Division 12 Child Care Facility Licensing Regulations
- Health and Safety Code, Division 2, Child Day Care Act
These materials are the governing authorities that all child care facilities must follow and understand to maintain compliance and a healthy and safe environment for children in care.
As a trainer, how can I present multiple topics in a session?
You will find that some topics complement one another, making it advantageous to show them together. For example, the videos on “Teacher-to-Child Ratios in Child Care Centers” and “Supervision in Child Care Centers” give participants a helpful overview of topics that are closely linked in child care practice. Likewise, prospective family child care providers may benefit from viewing the “Record Keeping in Family Child Care” video followed by “Child Care Reporting Requirements.” Whereas parents may find it helpful to view, “Understanding Licensed Care and License-Exempt Care” and “What to Look for When Choosing Child Care” which provide a clear introduction to child care in California.
If you present more than one video in a session, give participants time in between each video to share their reactions to the content and raise questions. Providing print-outs of the video transcripts can be a useful vehicle to enable them to highlight key information and take notes. It may be helpful to ask participants to identify one new thing they learned in the video, as well as one piece of information that they already knew. This approach serves as a summary of the material, as well as a reinforcement of key content.
As a trainer, can I incorporate these materials into existing training sessions?
Because the videos are brief, they are easily incorporated into existing training sessions that address topics beyond licensing requirements. Review the menu of topics on the website, and decide which ones may be most useful for your participants. You may also find it helpful to incorporate some of the content presented on the webpage to introduce the video. Be sure to give participants the website address so they can access the site on their own at a later time.
The California Child Care Licensing: Resources for Parents and Providers website is a valuable tool for trainers working with both prospective and current child care providers, as well as families who want to learn about child care licensing in California. Take time to review the website and consider how these resources can enhance your trainings.